Friday, 9 March 2007

Module 2 Tasks - Email Question 2

Email tasks questions continued!

2. In what cases would you find it useful to use the 'cc', 'bcc' and 'reply all functions of email?

cc -
If I was commenting on work/documents/suggestions made by a third party, I might want to cc that third party on the email in case they had anything to add or disagreed with my interpretation/comments regarding their work. For example I have completed a performance review for one of my staff and I am sending that through to the HR department with some comments. I may want to cc the staff member to show them I have forwarded this document on to someone else, that I have made comments about this document as it concerns them in a very personal manner.

I might also use cc if I was trying to communicate a message on behalf of a group of people, who are all interested in the response/outcome of this message. So for example I am writing a letter suggesting some improvements to the dress code at work. I have discussed this with some colleagues who supported the suggestion, so I am letting these colleagues no that this suggestion has been presented. I am also telling the recipient that the people cc'd on this message are interested in any feedback from this original message, and can be included in any response to this message.

bcc - Often a blindcopy might be used in more sensitive situations, or to protect yourself from recriminations. For example when dealing with a delicate personal situation, if the person I am emailing would feel uncomfortable with me sharing this information, but I personally felt that I needed the advice of a third party I would bcc that third party.

reply all functions - I use reply all as a form of ongoing discussion, or to encourage debate. If an email on a particular subject has been emailed to a group of people and I feel that my response to that subject may be useful, or perhaps just amusing to the other people who received the original email I would use the reply all function. In most cases I would only use this if the recipients to the original message are all familiar to me.

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