Monday, 16 April 2007

Module 4 Tasks - Meta search

Using Copernic

After downloading and installing copernic, it did no take too long to get it up and working. I set up my search preferences for the web to include all 16 search engines currently included (if you want to include others you have to purchase a license), I also set the search preference to look at the first 50 results for each search engine. The search engines included can be seen in the image below;

I then did a search for advanced Internet users and selected the option to look for the exact phrase, which is similar to putting quotes around your search phrase. The results where as follows.

The first hit was

Still the same as the google search carried out in a previous post.

Advanced Internet Users Tutorial - CIESE

The number of hits was

The biggest difference was in the number of results compared with the google search , it was 218. Guess I am restricting the search to only 50 per search engines, so given the 16 search engines a possible 800 results was trimmed to 218 as a result of duplicate results from the different sites.

The biggest benefit seems to be saving the time you would normally spend trawling through the different search engines just to find those three or four sites that only appear on certain engines. The Copernic tool also appears to have a lot of other useful utilities for web research, but I could not fully evaluate these as you need to buy a license to take advantage of these features.

The top 5 results where;

Module 4 Tasks - Search Engines

Using google to search for - advanced internet users

The first hit was

Advanced Internet Users Tutorial - CIESE

Choosing a link below will bring you to a web page that describes a specific procedure or aspect of browsing the internet. This tutorial ultimately directs ... - 16k -Cached - Similar pages

The number of hits was


Using google to search for - "advanced internet users" (with quotes)

The first hit was

same as above

The number of hits was

18,500 (using quotes narrows the search as the phrase must appear in its entirety to be picked up in the results)

Module 4 Tasks - Downloading Tools/plug-ins

  1. Adobe PDF Reader - already had this one, and I'm setup to automatically check for updates and prompt for installation.
  2. Flash/Shockwave - yep have those as well
  3. Have all the media players installed already (have a teenager that loves her music!!)
  4. Installed Copernic Meta but have not had a chance to really use yet.
  5. Installed two firefox plug-ins Scrapbook and Zotero, they perform similar functions on top of the bookmark management tool. Scrapbook has the best capture facility as it allows you to just highlight part of a website and capture to your hard drive very easily retaining its original format. However I prefer Zotero's file structure capability, and the ability to tag your saved pages and attach notes to them. I find using a combination of both tools works really well for me.
  6. As mentioned in point 5 Zotero and Scrapbook cover the Offline browser copying function.